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Limited Edition NFTs: Jeans with Rarity

Jean Rarities

Welcome to your first look at the next NFT Limited Editions: Jeans with rarity in IMVU, launching into our metaverse this #NFTuesday March 14!

These limited-edition digital collectible denim pieces are the perfect way to express your style and show off your creative flair. With their unique designs, each pair has a different quantity and rarity. And starting at just 750 VCOIN, there’s jeans for everyone.

Get ready to make a statement and stand out from the crowd with our newest NFT Limited Editions.

Rarities Return!

We’re excited to announce that Rarity has returned with the latest collection of Jeans!

These unique NFTs come in five rarity levels, from Common to Legendary.

The rarer the NFT, the fewer of that type have been minted, so you’ll have to act fast to get your hands on one of these ultra-rare items!

Rarity Tiers

AbbreviationNFT Rarity# of NFTs Minted
Jean rarities with total # of NFTs minted

NFT Set: Jeans (F)

Cargo Jeans (C)Jean shortsJeans and FlannelPatchwork JeansGraffit Jeans
400 minted
200 minted
100 minted
50 minted
5 minted
NFT Set: Jeans (F)

These blue denim jeans come in a variety of styles, and levels of rarity! From cargo, to shorts, to flannel and graffiti, multiple denim styles are represented in this set. The rarest pair is Legendary, with only 5 total that will exist!

NFT Set: Jeans (M)

Acid Wash JeansJean ShortsJeans adn FlannelPatchwork JeansGraffit Jeans
400 minted
200 minted
100 minted
50 minted
5 minted
NFT Set: Jeans (M)

These jeans for male-appearance avatars are the same general styles as the other set. From cargo and shorts, to the ultra rare legendary graffiti painted jeans, be sure to grab your favorite pair!

For the next #Drop…

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